Monday, May 7, 2012

Illinois and The Southwest Border Area

Although there is little in common between Illinois and the Southwest border area of the United States, there are a few similarities between the two areas. For starters, the southwest border area has a great Latino population and in recent decades, the Latino population in Illinois has begun to increase and is set to become the second largest ethnic group in Illinois within a matter of years, surpassing African Americans. Secondly, Illinois and the Southwest border both share an economy with another country. Lastly, Illinois is also home to a great amount of ethnic diversity as is the border area. 

Both the Southwest border area and Illinois have an increasing Latino presence. In Illinois, according to the 2011 United States Census, the Latino population is 15.8% of the total population which is more than the African American population which is 14.5% of the total population. The Latino presence is mostly felt in Chicago as it has the nations third largest Mexican population after Los Angeles and Houston. It also has the nations third largest Puerto Rican population in the United States. 

Illinois also shares an economy with another country, that being Canada which lies just across Lake Michigan. What is different from the Southwest border area though is that Canada is not in the same shape as Mexico. In the Southwest border area, the U.S. cities do business with a poorer Mexico because of the maquiladora industry. In Illinois, the state does business with Canada which is well off and they normally trade raw materials, agricultural products, and finished goods. 

Illinois has a large ethnic diversity that can be found in the great city of Chicago. Chicago is home to nearly 3 million people, but its ethnic diversity is remarkable. The city is home to Irish, German, Italian, Mexican, Arab, English, Black, Korean, Chinese, Indian, Filipino, Dutch, and Puerto Rican residents. In the southwest, the population mostly consists of Anglo Americans, Mexican Americans, and Native Americans. Illinois is a melting pot of culture and it is well represented in Chicago. 

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