Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Illinois and Hawaii

Some of the similarities between Illinois and Hawaii are that Illinois uses water transportation for its agricultural products as does Hawaii. It is also true that the majority of the population in both Hawaii and Illinois are of European ancestry. 

Primary Shipping Method
Since the Hawaiian Islands are just that, islands, they rely solely on shipping and air transportation transport their agricultural products as well as imported products from the mainland. This in turn makes the cost of living on the islands expensive. Illinois also used water transportation to get its agricultural products shipped. The state takes advantage of its access to the Mississippi River, the Illinois River, and Lake Michigan. Illinois also uses air transportation to get its products farther, but it uses rail transportation as well which is not present on the islands.

The population of Hawaii consists of two main groups which are Asian and European. Although there are more people of Asian descent on the islands, the European population is the most dominant. This is the case in Illinois as well as people of European descent are the majority of the population. In Illinois, more than three quarters of the population is considered white which is quite remarkable. The Asian population isn't as dominant in Illinois as it is in Hawaii. 

On a final note, I would just like to point out that both Hawaii and Illinois are tourist oriented as Chicago is a main tourist destination. Tourism is as much a part of the economy of Illinois as it is for Hawaii. 
Welcome to Illinois

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